Fundamental Stages in Vibration Analysis and Precision Maintenance

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There are five main stages in order to successfully accomplish vibration analysis and run a good precision maintenance program; they are:

1. Detection

2. Analysis

3. Root-Cause Analysis

4. Repair and Maintenance

5. Verification


The first step in vibration analysis is detecting a problem. This can be done with the help of vibration analysis and monitoring software, which can be setup to indicate a potential issue when a preset alarm limit is triggered. It is then up to the analyst to examine the data and determine if a problem does exist; if it does, he/she should then proceed to analysis.

AnalysisProper analysis will take a closer look at the spectral and waveform data to determine the type of issue that exists, and its severity. Proper analysis can reveal the location of the problem and determine if it is a cause for concern. Once this has been accomplished, it is important for the analyst to recommend a course of action to correct the problem.

Root-Cause AnalysisAnalysis reveals the location and the severity of a particular issue; this alone is not enough for a good precision maintenance program. It is important to identify why an problem occurred; this is referred to as root-cause analysis. A proper investigation of the system in question can reveal why a problem arose in the first place; this knowledge helps prevent the problem from reoccurring in the future.

Repair or MaintenanceOnce a problem has been detected, and its cause has been identified, the issue needs to be corrected. This may involve repairing damaged parts, overhauling a machine, or replacing specific parts and components. It is important to perform proper maintenance because it can sometimes cause more problems than it solves. Improper disassembly, repair and installations can cause damage when a machine is started up; proper checks and procedures can help prevent this from happening.

VerificationOnce a machine has been repaired, it is important to confirm that the repairs were successful. Taking measurements on the repaired machine lets you verify that it is ready for full operation. It is always a good idea to compare the data to historical measurements that were made when the machine was previously operating in sound condition.