March 16, 2012 / By XYOBalancer
It is essential to design a device that has to meet a certain vibration level. Ideally, the desired vibration response must be clearly stated before a design can begin. Many different methods have been proposed to measure and describe acceptable levels of vibration in many…
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January 30, 2012 / By XYOBalancer
There are two vibration situations in which statistical analysis is useful. The first situation occurs when the vibration amplitude of a system appears to be random in time. In this case, it is convenient to describe the response of the system statistically. This form of…
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October 27, 2011 / By XYOBalancer
The crest factor is also referred to as the peak-to-average ratio, or the the peak-to-average power ratio, for a waveform. It is the ratio between the peak amplitude of a waveform and the RMS value, as shown in the following equation: C = Peak amplitude RMS…
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October 24, 2011 / By XYOBalancer
Dampers have been widely used to reduce the amplitude of vibration by absorbing or dissipating energy. In general, damping can be divided into three types: viscous damping, column or friction damping, and solid (internal) or structural damping. We will focus on viscous damping in this…
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October 14, 2011 / By flipflopstudios
Noise in a vibration signal can creep in from background vibration sources such as noise generated by the machine being monitored, or from adjacent machinery. Typically the noise signal has low amplitudes and is close to zero in the spectral data; however, in some instances…
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