Electric Motors: Dynamic/Online Testing

In a previous post I discussed electric motor testing, specifically static or offline testing. This week I would like to tackle the subject of dynamic or online testing of electric motors. As the name suggests, dynamic tests are performed while the electric motor is running i.e. when it…

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Electric Motors: Static/Offline Testing

Electric motors are a key component for running machines in most industrial environments. Therefore it is important that they are properly monitored to avoid unwanted failures or shutdowns. Typically, there are two testing categories for electric motors: 1. Static or offline tests 2. Dynamic or…

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Vibration Monitoring for Maintenance

With the advent of better vibration measurement tools at reduced costs, may companies have implemented vibration monitoring programs to protect their machinery and ensure production does not suffer. In the past, it was common to run a machine until failure occurred; the biggest setback with…

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Vibration in Industrial Applications: Fans & Blowers

Air handling systems in industrial environments transfer large volumes of air to maintain adequate ventilation. These systems can range from small units with dimensions under a foot to extremely large units greater than 10 feet in height, depending on the specific application. Before installation, each…

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