One Plane Versus Two Plane Balancing

Machines are typically balanced in one plane or two planes by adding or removing material. The previous article titled “Balancing in Manufacturing“, mentioned different types of imbalance in rotating machinery, and the importance of why machines have to be balanced. The question is: How do…

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Vibration in Industrial Applications: Fans & Blowers

Air handling systems in industrial environments transfer large volumes of air to maintain adequate ventilation. These systems can range from small units with dimensions under a foot to extremely large units greater than 10 feet in height, depending on the specific application. Before installation, each…

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Hand-Arm Vibration and Power Tools

Power tools have been known to induce the risk of vibration-related diseases. An acute disease that is caused by regular exposure to hand-arm vibration (HAV) is known as white finger or Raynaud’s disease. There are also other vibration-related diseases such as: permanent and painful numbness…

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Balancing in Manufacturing

Balancing has been an important function in industries that produce or utilize rotating machinery and equipment. The reason for balancing rotating equipment is because most materials and manufacturing processes are inherently flawed to some degree. It is extremely difficult to achieve a perfectly balanced product…

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